
Showing posts from September, 2014

Day 30: The Winning Decision

“But when he came to himself, he said,...  I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. Luke 15:17-18 (NKJV) Your mind is very important to all you do therefore there is the need to make the wise choice of investing in the care of your mind.  As we come to the end  of this 30 days journey I will like to encourage to make the winning decision. It is a decision that gives you the power to live above negative, destructive and defeating mind set while  a winning mind becomes a lifestyle. This winning decision is a decision to allow Jesus Christ to be your saviour and lord. He can empower you to have a winning mind.  If you are ready to make this decision say this prayer wherever you are: Dear God,  I know I have sinned and I can not help myself. I have been defeated in my mind and it it affecting my life. Forgive my sins and give me a new start. Give me a winning mind and let it be my lifes...

Day 29: Solution-driven mind

Then His disciples answered Him, “How can one satisfy these people with bread ...  So He (Jesus) commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground. And He took the seven loaves and gave thanks, broke  them  and gave  them  to His disciples to set before  them; and they set  them  before the multitude. Mark 8:4,6 (NKJV) A winning mind is a Solution-driven mind. In the above passage, while some people are asking: "how shall we do it",  Jesus told them what to do. The difference between those who ask how and those who say this is how is in their thinking.  Though Jesus was anointed, yet He knew what He would do.  A solution-driven mind is a mind that thinks of problems to solve, thinks of the way out difficult situations, thinks about generating results and thinks about answers to difficult questions. There are many problems that require solution in our world today.  It is unfortunate that many are not thinking solution-dr...

Day 28: A productive mind

So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’ Matt.25:20 (NKJV) A winning mind is a productive mind.  A productive mind always thinks of making things better, making someone better, making somewhere better than how it was met. Productive thinking is thinking of what you can add, how you can improve or how you can make better.  Enough of thinking of what you gain, what you can get or what you can take alone but what you can give or what you can contribute to your neighbour, profession, state, province, county, country and even to your world. Think productive thoughts. Reflection : What, who, where are you going to make better this week?

Day 27: A positive mind

The earth was without form, and void; and darkness  was [ a ]  on the face of the deep...T hen God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. Gen.1:2-3 (NKJV) A Winning Mind is a positive mind. A positive mind sees possibility in all situation even when physically the situation does not look possible. When you think positively, you speak positively, you act positively and you are most likely to get positive result.  In an attempt to be realistic, all some people ever think and say is the negative, no wonder, there are many negative and poor results around. God was positive. Though physically there was darkness, He had light in mind, therefore He spoke light and the result was light. Think positive thoughts. Reflection : What you see is what you say; what you say is what you have.

Day 26: A Sound Mind

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2Tim.17 (NKJV) A Winning Mind is a sound mind and a sound mind is the will of God for us. A sound mind is a stable mind, a well nourished mind, a healthy mind, a reliable mind, a calm and well balanced mind. It is not troubled by doubt, fear, anxiety or guilt. A sound mind can assimilate, understand comprehend, discern, make good judgement. It is not a lazy or passive mind that waits for others to decide for it. Rather it engages in active reasoning. Do you have a sound mind? Reflection: Sound mind is your right, take it!

The Winning Mind

A Winning Mind is the plan of God for you. His plan is for you is to have a mind devoid of evil thinking, negative thinking, wicked thinking or fearful thinking; but a mind set unto positive, constructive and productive thinking, to have a mind filled with peace. We have seen that a Winning Mind is not cheap to come by; it takes determination and disipline to develop a Winning Mind. There is the need to train the mind in the right direction.  I believe that as you continue to put to daily practice all we have looked at in the last few weeks  and the days to come, your mind will become a Winning Mind and a Winning Mind will become a lifestyle for you .

Day 25: A transformed mind

‘Be transformed by the renewing of your mind’ Rom.12:2 .  A Winning Mind is a transformed mind. A transformed mind is a mind that constantly goes through continuous reorientation.  A mind that is not transformed may remain old and out of date. In a world where change is the reigning word.  The transformation process of the mind requires a conscious emptying of the mind of negative, fearful unproductive and evil thoughts; and consciously embracing new thoughts that are positive, creative and good thoughts. A positively transformed mind will not fail to yield great profit. Reflection: Update your mind positively

Day 24: Visualize your prayers

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11: 24 When you go to pray, you have a desire in mind. Jesus said, believe you receive that desire and it will be yours. Therefore, after your prayer begin to think about that desire coming to pass, imagine how you will rejoice and share your testimony, imagine how you will praise God for answered prayers. This is not always the case with many. After they have prayed, they begin to think of what they will do if the prayer is not answered. They think about this so much that at the end their prayer is not answered. Remember, your thought determines your take. Reflection: Visualize the answer to your prayers.

Day 23: Keep your mind stayed on God

You will keep  him  in perfect peace, w hose  mind  is  stayed  on You, b ecause he trusts in You. Is.26:3 In a world full of crisis, terror, disaster, famine, diseases, poverty and the likes; sudden fear usually grips the mind. Fear of what to eat, fear of dwelling in safety, fear of going out and fear of staying in. Fear of failing, fear of dying, fear of loosing all, fear of what tomorrow will bring. I have good news for you! You can have peace of mind even in the midst of all the surrounding and seemingly engulfing troubles. You can have peace of mind if you can lean on God, if your hope is in Him, if you believe He will see you through it all. Reflection: Let your mind lean on God.

Day 22: Be spiritually minded

For to be carnally minded  is  death, but to be spiritually minded  is  life and peace.Rom.8:6 The mind can be spiritual.  From the above verse, we see that the mind can either be carnal or spiritual. A carnal mind is a mind that only always think of physical things, unimportant things, unprofitable things; it is a mind that compares itself with others in terms of possession or position, a mind that judges others, a selfish and proud mind.   A spiritual mind is a mind that is filled with the word of God, it is a mind that focuses on spiritual matters, it is a mind that is obedient to the word of God, a mind that is teachable and ready to be to be corrected. A spiritual mind gives you life and peace. Reflection : Be spiritually minded.

Day 21: Set your mind

Set your mind on things above... Col.3:2a The mind can be fixed on whatever you want. If you find your mind always wandering, you can fix it. It just takes training over time.  You can fix your mind to think productive thoughts, positive thoughts, faith-filled thoughts, problem solving thoughts, question answering thoughts or even fix it to meditate on important issues. Stop allowing your mind to wander off! Any time you notice your mind wandering off, capture it and set it. Reflection: Stop allowing your mind to wander off, fix it!

Day 20: Mind Gates

The words that I speak to you are spirit, and  they  are life. Jn 6:63b Everything that gets into the mind gets there through a gate.  There are gates to the mind. Mind gates are: hearing gate, seeing gate and reading gate.  Words are spirit but not all words give life. What you hear, you will think about. Some words give fear, sorrow, bitterness, depression, sickness even death. So be careful of what you hear.  What you see on tv, internet, or on the street can be deeply impressed on your mind. Material such as newspapers, magazines or books can influence your thought. So be careful of what you read and watch.  Reflection : Mind your mind-gates.

Mind Rules

  Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.Prov.4:23 (GNB) The mind is like a fertile land, whatever you plant on it is what will germinate, grow and bear fruit. If you plant negative and defeating thought-seed on the soil of your mind, you cannot but reap a negative and defeating life. However if you plant positive and winning thought-seed on it, you are on the way to reaping a positive and winning life.  The battle of the mind is real and continuous, therefore victory must be maintained. In order to enjoy continuous victory, there are rules to observe. In the next few days we will be looking at mind rules to obey in order to enjoy a winning mind and a winning life.

Day 19:Gird the loins of your mind

Therefore gird up the loins of your mind 1Pet.1:13 One mind rule that can help to have a winning mind is to guard the mind, to secure the mind, to consciously and cautiously watch what goes in and what goes on in the mind. You need to be careful of how things get into your mind. You need to secure your mind so that only what is useful flows in. Remember,  the inflow determines the outflow.  Reflection: what goes into your mind determines what you see outside.

Day 18: Keeping in mind

But his father kept the matter in mind. Gen.37:11b (NKJV)   But Mary kept thinking about all this Luke 2:19 (CEV)  One of the ways to keep your mind healthy and positive is by keeping good things in mind. Good news, good ideas, pleasant situations and circumstances, prophecies, dreams, visions, and the likes. Enough of keeping in mind disappointments and failures which prevents you from seeing opportunities. Jacob kept Joseph's dreams in mind and he saw it come to pass. Mary kept the events around the birth of Jesus in mind and she saw Jesus glorified. .  Reflection : What you keep in mind comes to you.

Day 17: Imagination

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, 2Cor.10:5a (KJV) The above scripture can also be read as: "Building up imaginations, and every thing that submits itself to the knowledge of God". When you cast down imagination and arguments against God, you need to build up imaginations and arguments that are of and for God. A way of feeding the mind is by thinking of the things that please God, thinking of His word, His work, His workers, His wisdom, His ways and His worship. Its time to stop thinking against or criticising the things of God, His workers or His people. Its time to think in line with the knowledge of God. Reflection : Exalt God in your imagination.

Day 16: Whatever is Praiseworthy

Don’t ever stop thinking about what is... worthy of praise. Phil.4:8 (CEV)   I saw a question in a book I read years ago, it says: if all you have been thinking of in the last 2 weeks is played on a screen, and your family and friends are called to watch, can you stand? It is important that your thought should be praiseworthy. Your thought should not stink or be repulsive. God should be proud of the thought on your mind. The Holy Spirit should feel comfortable with the thought of your mind. When your mouth dishes out what your mind has cooked, it should not come out with a stench but with a praiseworthy aroma. Reflection: If your thought is played on a screen, will it be praiseworthy?

Day 15: Whatever is noble.

Whatever things are noble... meditate on these things. Phil.4:8 (NKJV) Noble thoughts are thoughts of high moral standard. We live in world corrupted by immorality that pollutes the mind. Everywhere you turn,  there are mind pollutants-on the streets, at work, even at home, an advert on the tv or internet can be a mind pollutant.  Conscious effort must therefore be made to ensure noble thinking. You may say: "I can think of dirty things in my mind as long as I am not doing it or saying it, afterall, it's just a thought." Don't forget, you are what you think. Your thoughts are as important as your words and action.  Reflection : If you won't do it, don't think it.

Day 14: Whatever things are true

Fix your thoughts on what is true...Phil.4:8 (TLB)   The mind should be fed with thoughts of truth. When you think of the truth, you will speak the truth and your ways will be plain; devoid of darkness, manipulations and crookedness. You can then be trusted.  Think truthfully of yourself, about yourself and to yourself.  Think truthfully about others. Truth is truth; there is no half truth, partial truth, amended truth, modernized truth or assorted truth. If it is not true, it is not the truth. It is only when you embrace the truth that you can truly be free. Reflection: Think truthful thoughts.

Day 13: Meditation

This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth but thou shall meditate on it day and night . Josh1:8 (NKJV) Meditation is a deeper form of thinking. It is extended thinking, continuous thinking or in-depth thinking. To meditate is to ponder over issues, reflect over matters, to keep an idea in continuous focus on your mind. Meditation helps your concentration. Meditation brings clarity. Meditation is a way of feeding the mind. We are commanded to meditate on the Word of God. Unconsciously, people meditate on negative things such as negative words spoken to them by other people or on negative experiences and occurrences. When you meditate, your meditation must on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy. Reflection: Healthy meditation nourishes the mind.

Mind Feed

  Let the word [spoken by] Christ (the Messiah) have its home [in your hearts and minds] and dwell in you in [all its] richness. Col.3:16a (AMP)   The mind must be fed! The mind cannot be left blank or empty. After purging the mind of negative and wrong thoughts, you need to feed the mind with positive and right thoughts in other for the mind to be healthy. Failure to feed the mind with the right stuff will lead the mind back to an unhealthy state of negative and wrong thinking. You need to choose the right food for your mind as you choose right food for your body. You cannot have a healthy spirit and body and not have a healthy mind. In the next few days we will be looking at Mind Feed. You will be blessed.


And Jesus said,   “The things that come out of people are the things that make them unclean.   All these evil things begin inside people, in the mind: evil thoughts, sexual sins, stealing, murder, adultery,   greed, evil actions, lying, doing sinful things, jealousy, speaking evil of others, pride, and foolish living.   All these evil things come from inside and make people unclean.” Mark 7:20-23 (NCV) A lot of people have left their thoughts loose over a long period of time and have allowed their thoughts to lead them to life of defeat. If this is you, you can choose to change your thinking, you can choose to have a Winning Mind rather than a defeated mind. The first step towards a Winning Mind is the purging of the mind of all defeating thought. Hence, engage in a mind fast. A  fast is not done by accident, it requires conscious effort. A mind fast is a conscious effort to starve your mind of any thought that is evil, filthy, covetous, anxious, fearful, ne...


And Jesus said,   “The things that come out of people are the things that make them unclean.   All these evil things begin inside people, in the mind: evil thoughts, sexual sins, stealing, murder, adultery,   greed, evil actions, lying, doing sinful things, jealousy, speaking evil of others, pride, and foolish living.   All these evil things come from inside and make people unclean.” Mark 7:20-23 (NCV) A lot of people have left their thoughts loose over a long period of time and have allowed their thoughts to lead them to life of defeat. If this is you, you can choose to change your thinking, you can choose to have a Winning Mind rather than a defeated mind.  The first step towards a Winning Mind is the purging of the mind of all defeating thought. Hence, engage in a mind fast. A  fast is not done by accident, it requires conscious effort.  A mind fast is a conscious effort to starve your mind of any thought that is evil, filthy, covetous, anxious,...

DAY 12: Thoughts of fear and anxiety

Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression Prov.12:25 . Fear comes when you focus on pain, hurt or the negative side of things. Anxiety is a beloved sister of fear, it keeps you worried and robs you of peace of mind. In the  world we live  in, fear and anxiety are common causes of health problems but you can choose to be free . If you are experiencing fear and anxiety in your mind concerning certain issues, STOP thinking  about it and choose the way out.   Reflection: The way out is through prayer. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus.  Phil 4:6-7.

DAY 11: Thoughts of pride

For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed... pride...Mk7:21-22 (NKJV) Proud looks, proud thoughts, and evil actions are sin. Prov.21:4 (NCV) Pride is a thought of the mind that is manifested in words and action. Pride is being full of self-thought. Thoughts about you, only you and always you. You are always right and no one else is as good as you. You know it all and no one else knows anything.  A proud mind is not a teachable mind as it cannot learn from others. The proud man sees only himself and does not  see the man warning him of a pit ahead, so he falls into the pit. Indeed,  pride goes before a fall. Reflection: Stop thinking too highly of yourself,  humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God 1Pet.5:6

DAY 10: Thoughts of deceit

For from within, out of the heart of men proceed...  deceit... Mk.7:21-22 Some minds are factories that manufacture  lies and falsehood.  Such minds are always cooking lies for the mouth to dish out.  People with such minds cannot be trusted, their ways are crooked and their paths are dark and slippery. Deceitful thinking is usually targeted towards covering up weakness, past errors and creating impression. Minds that deliberately and continuously plan deceit cannot produce anything good and cannot be a winning mind.  How long will you continue to think and act deceitfully? You cannot build anything that last on  deceit be it relationships, marriage or business. When it gets to the top it will crash. Reflection: Ask God for the forgiveness of all deceitful thoughts and acts, repent today and stop being deceitful.

DAY 9: Thoughts of covetousness

  For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed... thefts, covetousness... Mk.7:21-22 (NKJV) You shall not covet your neighbour’s house...Ex.20:17 Covetousness leads to theft. Desiring what is not yours and not ready to work for it or towards it will lead to stealing. Envious thoughts of others and what they have can lead to planning evil or speaking evil against them. You must nip envious thoughts in the bud before it gets out of hand. Reflection: When you see people that have what you do not have, thank God for what you have and thank God on their behalf for what they have, then you will attract what you are thankful for.

DAY 8: Thoughts of immorality

  All these evil things begin inside people, in the mind: evil thoughts, sexual sins... Mk.7:21 (NCV) Thoughts of adultery and fornication starts as a seed of lust and it grows from there into actions. No one commits sexual sin by accident. It is usually a planned work, either planned consciously or unconsciously by spending much time in lustful thinking. And as your thoughts will always be reflected in your words and actions, the fruit of immoral thinking is manifested. If you are in bondage of immoral thinking. You can be free. Reflection: Pray that the blood of Jesus will cleanse your heart from all filthiness and  consciously stop immoral thoughts from dwelling in your mind.

DAY 7: Evil thoughts

For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts... Mk.7:21 (NKJV) Your mind cannot be a Winning Mind until it is purged of evil thoughts. Evil thoughts are thoughts of harm or hurt towards yourself and others, thoughts of sickness, thoughts of failure, thoughts of death, thoughts of physical, financial or emotional breakdown, thoughts of accidents, thoughts of loosing of jobs, thoughts of breakdown of marriage and relationships etc. If you think evil, you will speak evil and you are likely to experience it, therefore purge out evil from your thoughts. Reflection: If you don't want it, don't think it!

Day 6: You speak your thoughts

Your mouth cannot betray your mind. No matter how long you try to hide your thoughts, at some point, your mouth will give voice to your thoughts. The fountain of the word is the mind, therefore, fountain must be kept clean. The quality of your word depends on the quality of your mind. But what comes out of the mouth gets its start in the heart [mind]. Matt.15:18a (The Message)  (emphasis mine) Reflection: Keep the fountain clean and the flow will be clean.

Day 5: Your thoughts determines what you get

You will attract what you constantly think of. Has it ever happened to you that something you have thought of for so long happened?  It is because you attracted it. Whatever you focus on so much will eventually become a reality whether good or bad. Job said " What I always feared has happened to me". Job 3:25 (NLT) Therefore,  Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts. Prov. 4:23(Good news Bible) Reflection: What you constantly think of, sooner or later you will attract it.

Day 4: Your thoughts are important to your prayers

Your thoughts are as important to your prayers as your confessions. If you pray for one thing and keep thinking of the opposite, it is not likely you get answers to your prayers. Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established. Prov. 16:3(NKJV) Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire,[in your mind] when ye pray, believe  that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11:24 (KJV) (emphasis mine) Reflection: Make your thoughts and desires are clear before going to the place of prayer.

Day 3: God differentiates between your thoughts and your words

God knows that what is in your mind.  He knows what you are thinking of. That is why when you pray yet have an alternative in mind, He knows. When you pretend to follow Him but your mind is far away from Him, He knows. These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart  [mind] is far from Me. Matt 15:8 (NKJV) (emphasis mine) Reflection: Is your mouth in agreement with your mind?

Day 2: God knows your thoughts

No man has access to the mind of another man. No one may know what you are thinking of but God knows what you are thinking of. You may hide your thoughts from man but you  cannot hide it from God. If you speak faith but don't have faith, God sees and knows. Even hell holds no secrets from God-do you think he can’t read human hearts [minds]?   Prov.15:11 (The Message) (emphasis mine) Reflection: Be conscious of what you think...God sees!