Catch the little foxes!!!
Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard. .. for the grapevines are blossoming. SOS 2:15 (NLT)
Welcome to 2015.
You have fasted and prayed for the year. Maybe you are still fasting and praying or you are planning to sometime later. Your vine is tender, your vine is blossoming, soon to become fruitful and beautiful from answers to your prayers.
Watch out for the foxes!
The little foxes that can ruin your vine, foxes that can waste your labour leaving you with little or no reward. Catch them and throw them out- yes, the little foxes. Little but destructive.
What I'm I talking about? I'm talking about negative thoughts, defeating thoughts and wrong thoughts- these are the little foxes. Catch them and throw them out!
How? Through Mind Fasting - A purposeful and conscious starving of the mind of wrong and defeating thoughts and think on right and positive thoughts. In the next 20 days we will go indentify these little foxes and cast them out of our mind.
Welcome to 21 days of Mind Fasting.
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