Day 5: The Phlegmatic and his thoughts

He has a composed and retentive mind. As a good and attentive listener, he pays attention to details and is able to reproduce what he has heard to the least detail. He however loves simple and passive thinking which makes him live a simple but passive lifestyle.

He does not like to make decisions because he does not want to accept the responsibilities associated with the decision. Therefore, he seems to know what to do however, most of the time he does not do it. This is evident in his speech as it always reflect him as one who is sitting on the fence. You often hear him say "its not my business", "anyone", "anyhow" and so on.

Procrastination is a big plaque in the mind of a phlegmaticc. With his composed mind he is able to think up solution to issues but its either procrastination stops him from doing so or he is too timid to speak out his thought.
He has a sympathetic mind and often speaks comforting and encouraging words though his mind is often possessed by deep worries and fears.

In a relationship, he might appear to be a boring mate as he is passive, lacks creative ideas and refuse to engage in conversations; he only loves to listen but relationship thrives on dialogue not monologue.

At work, he is a pleasant work mate, committed and focussed at his assignment. He is believes in peaceful living therefore he will not challenge injustice nor even speak up for his right.


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